At Indy Urban Acres, we’re always amazed by the dedication and hard work of our volunteers. Recently, we had the pleasure of hosting teams from OneAmerica Financial and CNO Financial Group, who volunteered their time and energy to support our mission. Over three days, with fewer than 75 volunteers, these teams made a significant impact that will benefit our community for months to come.

Incredible Accomplishments in Just Three Days

The volunteers rolled up their sleeves and got straight to work, accomplishing an impressive amount in a short time. Here’s what they achieved:

  • Harvesting Fresh Produce: The teams harvested a bountiful 185 pounds of green beans, cucumbers, and cherry tomatoes. This fresh produce will soon be on its way to local families in need.
  • Spreading Mulch: They spread over 140 cubic yards of mulch across our farm. This effort helps to retain soil moisture, reduce weeds, and keep our plants healthy.
  • Weeding and Preparing for the Future: With more than 1,000 row feet of plants weeded and 10 rows of cucumbers removed, the volunteers helped prepare our farm for the upcoming fall plantings. Their efforts ensure that our farm remains productive and sustainable throughout the year.

Supporting Our Mission to Address Food Insecurity

Indy Urban Acres is more than just a farm; it’s a lifeline for many in our community. As an initiative of The Parks Alliance of Indianapolis, Indy Urban Acres is committed to donating and distributing 100% of our produce to community partners serving households and individuals experiencing food insecurity. The hard work and dedication of the volunteers from OneAmerica Financial and CNO Financial Group are making a direct impact on our ability to provide fresh, healthy produce to those who need it most. We are incredibly grateful for their support and proud to partner with companies that share our commitment to giving back to the community. Thank you to all the volunteers for making a difference in our community. Your efforts are not just about farming; they’re about fostering hope and providing nourishment to those who need it most.

Together, we can continue to grow, harvest, and provide for our community.